ZEMO Gebr. Moser GmbH

Your specialist in matters beef deboning

ZEMO Gebr. Moser GmbH, an EU-certified company for cutting meat, has specialized in beef.

At ZEMO´s, there are only directly employees, no contractors working. We take care of our employees. Constant trainings are a significant part of our work. We are proud to announce, that ever since 2016, ZEMO has been awarded a certificate for occupational safety and health for its outstanding activities in the field of prevention, health and worker protection.

ZEMO is located in the countryside, in the western part of the Rhineland Palatinate. Since generations, there is a close connection to nature and farming not only of the entrepreneurial family, but also the employees. Sustainability is not just a simple word for us – it´s our strong conviction.

Our knowledge and capability are our core competencies. Flexibility and quality are our promises to our customers.

We sell our meat to wholesalers, sausage producers and meat processing companies all over Germany. Furthermore, about 25% of our turnover is achieved through business with our trade partners in Scandinavia.

Our business partners in Europe are located from Spain to Czech Republic and from Finland to Malta

Further important sales markets for our products have been developed China (Hong Kong).

It goes without saying that the production process is subject to strictest legal requirements, especially when it comes to hygiene, traceability as well as provenance and product safety.

An official veterinary checks the adherence and compliance thereof. Furthermore, the quality management of the company monitors the implementation of the in-house control system.

As a third control authority, well-known, independent monitoring institutes add to our guarantee for best possible quality and controls.


Vortrag und Kochkurs bei ZEMO

Theoretical and Practical Cooking Class at Company ZEMO

In the course of our preventive health as well as health protection action days 2016, a cooking class including a theoretical introduction with subsequent practical application of the just learned took place on Tuesday, June 21, 2016.

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Firmenlauf 2016

We were there again! – with an overwhelming number of participants

On Jun 15, 2016, 38 runners took part in the B2 Company Run in Kaiserslautern for company ZEMO Gebr. Moser GmbH.  Already last year, 32 active runners participated and we are pleased to note the distinct increase this year.

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Gesundheitstag AOK

Health Days at company ZEMO

We are pleased to offer to all of our employees a preventive health as well as health protection program in co-operation with the health insurance company AOK in the coming months.

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Zemo Gebr.Moser GmbH
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